Salam Canal Project
The Salam (peace) canal project is an irrigation and reclamation project that takes water from the Damietta branch of the Nile River. This ‘fresh’ water gets mixed with drainage water from the Egyptian Delta, to increase water reuse. Although the Salam canal continues eastward and passes underneath the Suez Canal with a siphon to deliver water to the Sinai, our focus lies on the area immediately west of the Suez Canal.
This area of around 200,000 feddan (84,000) has been reclaimed for agriculture from the coastal lake of Manzala. We zoom in on a specific branch canal of the Salam canal. Port Said is the major city in the area, known for its Mediterranean harbor, where large container ships enter and leave the Suez Canal. Egypt fought several historical wars (1956, 1967, 1973) in the Suez Canal zone that were defining for the country and the area.