Karthoum, Sudan
Education in Khartoum
Beshir is sowing cucumber only 500 meters from the center-pivots of the company. This rainy season (July-Nov 2016) he rents 6 feddan and has 2 feddan to produce vegetables (okra, Zucchini, tomatoes) for the Karthoum market, only 1,5 hours away from here.

Basheer sowing okra seeds on the side of a cucumber plot
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Basheer weeding okra with his cousins in 2015
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Beshir with hoe
Although Basheer is a fulltime farmer, his family combined farming with working as labourers. They have little cattle.
Basheer’s father an other family members were working in the brick factories on the Nile banks (see pictures) or in building houses. Basheer does not want to work in bricks and focuses on agriculture, because he earns good money with it.
Basheer’s family was not a land owning family, but before DAL his father rented land in the ‘Kuwaiti’ irrigation scheme (between 1991-2005), on average 4 feddan.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer aliquet nisi eu augue blandit venenatis. Duis aliquet elementum laoreet. Aliquam ac maximus arcu. Donec tellus erat, scelerisque sit amet egestas et, luctus ac augue. Vestibulum varius quis mauris vitae tincidunt. Ut viverra magna ut nulla porttitor pulvinar. Nulla in auctor risus. Cras ex elit, volutpat sit amet nisl eget, molestie suscipit libero.

The main canal upstream overgrown with plants, separating the farmer fields (left) and the Company (right)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer aliquet nisi eu augue blandit venenatis. Duis aliquet elementum laoreet. Aliquam ac maximus arcu. Donec tellus erat, scelerisque sit amet egestas et, luctus ac augue. Vestibulum varius quis mauris vitae tincidunt. Ut viverra magna ut nulla porttitor pulvinar.

A diesel pump at the main canal
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer aliquet nisi eu augue blandit venenatis. Duis aliquet elementum laoreet. Aliquam ac maximus arcu. Donec tellus erat, scelerisque sit amet egestas et, luctus ac augue.

Defying laws of gravity
Pipe delivers water to field canal with inverse slope. Basheer and cousins dug this field canal to get the water to the field. The pressure of the water pushes it forward towards the field intake.

Cousins irrigating in the field in 2015 and 2016
A diesel pump at the main canal
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer aliquet nisi eu augue blandit venenatis. Duis aliquet elementum laoreet. Aliquam ac maximus arcu. Donec tellus erat, scelerisque sit amet egestas et, luctus ac augue.
A diesel pump at the main canal
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer aliquet nisi eu augue blandit venenatis. Duis aliquet elementum laoreet. Aliquam ac maximus arcu. Donec tellus erat, scelerisque sit amet egestas et, luctus ac augue.