Introduction Waha tour
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus cursus a magna eget tincidunt. Donec id risus vestibulum, cursus leo a, malesuada odio. Ut consequat ante vitae quam convallis sagittis. Mauris accumsan sodales nulla quis mollis. Fusce accumsan interdum quam fringilla rutrum. Cras dictum molestie porta. Praesent ut eleifend est. Cras urna odio, tincidunt sit amet magna eu, porttitor commodo justo. Integer eu tellus vehicula, dignissim massa eu, dapibus massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed hendrerit imperdiet mi, sit amet semper lorem euismod vitae. Nullam risus nisi, tincidunt eu imperdiet sagittis, accumsan quis sapien. Sed diam nibh, pharetra quis iaculis nec, mollis nec orci. Curabitur mattis aliquet urna.
Hans, the researcher
A sudden change in the appearance of the landscape from brown and dry to green and wet. There are more than hundred circles of irrigated land, each of them sprinkled with a 400 meter long rotating arm on wheels.
remote sensing expert
Gamal is a remote sensing expert who presented the great potential for improving irrigation management, by providing ET estimation for large land surface area using a minimal amount of ground data.
Fadil, farm manager
Although Fadil and Gamal find each other in the abstract language of yield gap as the decontextualized numeric shortfall of biomass growth on cultivated plots, Fadil's main concern is with managing concrete forces which open up that gap.
Agricultural Engineer
Amar worked a large part of his life in the world famous Gezira Irrigation scheme across the Nile as an Agricultural Engineer. While he lives in Khartoum, he still has a house in Madhi, which he often visits in the weekend.
Director of Cooperative society
Yasir is the director of the Cooperative society which invested with Kuwaiti investors in the Waha irrigation scheme before COM took over.
Noel, farmer
Noel is spreading organic fertilizer over the land before planting. The land is used for cultivation of Sorghum-70,  a type of sorghum used for fodder.
Fati, investor
Fati invests in cultivation of Amar's land. He manages the cultivation  of around 60 acres of land which he rents from other people in the village.
Conclusion Waha tour
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed hendrerit imperdiet mi, sit amet semper lorem euismod vitae. Nullam risus nisi, tincidunt eu imperdiet sagittis, accumsan quis sapien. Sed diam nibh, pharetra quis iaculis nec, mollis nec orci. Curabitur mattis aliquet urna.
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